Reel Breakdown:
Shot 1: Kung Fu Panda 4 (2023). Development action test. Responsible for all animation. Tail is hand keyed, cloth is hand keyed with sim assist.
Shot 2: The Bad Guys (2021). Personal test. Responsible for all animation.
Shot 3: Personal test, WIP (2024). Responsible for animation. Aia rig courtesy of Animation Mentor, audio is Congratulations from Hamilton.
Shot 4: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022). Responsible for animation of the background characters (bakers, bears, Goldie, Jack Horner). Main character animation by Dan Wagner.
Shot 5: Responsible for animation, surfacing, lighting, rendering and compositing. Stewart rig courtesy of Animation Mentor, chef outfit courtesy of Hector Gil.
Shot 6: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022). Responsible for animation of the crowds cats.
Shot 7: The Bad Guys (2021). Responsible for animation of the crowd.
Shot 8: Responsible for animation, lighting, rendering, and compositing. Dragon rig courtesy of Truong CG.
Shot 9: Responsible for animation, lighting, rendering, and compositing. Dozer and Squirrel rigs courtesy of Animation Mentor.
Music courtesy of the lovely Nami Melumad written for Luminarias, my senior thesis film (2015)