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I worked with AppliedVR on two separate occasions on the same project: RelieVR (since renamed sootheVR), a VR experience using calming environments and animation to help patients dealing with chronic pain learn coping skills.  It was my first foray into the field of medical VR, and I absolutely loved the opportunity to work on something that could help people.

The first time around I worked as a CG Generalist.  I modeled parts of the environment and reduced and streamlined some of the geometry.  I also modeled, textured, rigged and animated birds and other wildlife.  I worked primarily in Maya, but also used After Effects and Spine for some additional animations.

My second stint on this project was in early 2019 as a Motion Graphics animator.  I adapted a script into animation in a VR space to communicate complex concepts and ideas.  I designed, directed, and animated several short experiences using particle simulation and typography.  For this stage of the project I primarily worked with After Effects, Trapcode Particular, Illustrator, and Premiere.

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